
Since 1966...

Cru at UF has been on mission to reach our campus for Christ. More than 50 years later, we have seen God’s faithfulness in allowing our ministry to help transform the lives of students and faculty both at UF and Santa Fe. Our strategy has been the same since the beginning and that is to WIN. BUILD. SEND. We want to win students and faculty to Christ through evangelism, build up believers in their faith through teaching, training, and discipleship, and send students and faculty out to be witnesses and lights on campus, on mission trips, and throughout the rest of their lives wherever God leads them.


The investment we are making in doing ministry on a college campus is significant because our campus draws in people from many different places and backgrounds. Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) said, “If we can win the university today, we will win the world tomorrow.” Our hope is that students would receive Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives and take the gospel message back to their communities, workplaces, and even around the world.

As we try to make the gospel accessible to more people on campus, we need the help of people like you. Our partners help by supporting us with the means to put on events that give people on campus an opportunity to step into the gospel story. We would appreciate your consideration in partnering with us to reach our campus for Christ. Several ways you can help meet some immediate needs are:



You can join our mailing list to be in the know about what is taking place within our ministry. To join our mailing list, please fill out the following form.


As we look at creating experiences that allow students to know Jesus and step out in faith, we are confronted with the reality that finances can be a barrier. We would love to be in a place where we are financially resourced to expand our reach. We would also love to be able to provide scholarships to individuals who would like to go to our annual conferences or on summer mission trips. We do not want money to be a barrier to what could be a life-changing experience for a student.


Something we have been dreaming about is having enough Bibles on hand to be able to give to anyone who surrenders their life to Christ, new believers, or even those who may be spiritually interested, but are not believers yet. We know how precious the Word of God is and we want as many people to have access to a Bible as possible. If you would like to donate any Bibles, please email us at cruatuf@gmail.com.